Friday, February 11, 2011

Why I'll be doing what I'm doing on Valentine's day.

 (For anyone who can relate to what I'm writing, shout out "hell yeah!!!" every time a word strikes you.)
With valentine's day just around the corner, I'm faced with the dilemma on whether I should stay home alone or party with my friends. If for a fleeting second you thought of the first one, and if you were at a game show, you'd get a loud buzzer for that. Because you are absolutely wrong. To hell yeah!! I will be partying with my girlfriends.
Why am I so persistent about the whole 'going out and having fun with my girls' affair will be attempted for justifications in the following reasons.
Staying home alone will be pretty difficult to swallow the bitter pill, as you'd be reminded of those memories of the day that was 364 days ago which you spent with the one whom you thought was 'The One'. And these memories and reminders will only be fueled up by the sappy love songs that will be repeatedly aired on any goddamn music channel or by the re-runs of some love themed soaps and serials and the mushy-mushy romantic movies about love at first sights and happily ever-afters. Trust me, that's the last thing you and I need.
 Facebook, who wants to be stuck home alone with Facebook and constantly logging in and out every 10 minutes to check the status updates of similar people like you who are either totally oblivious that its even valentines day (for obvious reason) or had such terrible luck at finding love henceforth decided to become anti V-day or admitted to failure. That latter person is usually and probably the one who comes up with all those fabulous, target-hitting one-liners and quotes about break-ups and getting-overs which you receive as forwards from your friends in your mobile. So facebook on Valentine's day? Pass!!
On any other day, I'd take the advice from anyone who'd tell me to sit at home, sip a glass of wine or down a few pegs of whiskey, try and listen to some good music or talk to a friend, but on this day, no thanks!! The climax of that evening would turn out to be entirely embarrassing to bear the days that follows. So if anyone has been advised on that, please avoid.
Books, Hmmm… give it a go but I doubt that would work. Picture this, you're laying on the couch with a really good book but no matter how intriguingly the plot thickens, I'm sure that your eyes will be fixated on the book all the while but your mind will refuse to be a part of your body. It will start to wonder what he would be up to, whether he's out on a date with someone new or partying with friends celebrating his new found freedom or will he be sitting at home alone like you, feeling lonely and miserable. Then you'll begin to contemplate on the idea of calling him (and actually end up doing so) just to see how he's doing, for old times sake. I can only imagine the aftermath of the phone conversation.
I can give more reasons on why one should be out with friends on Valentines day but I believe that'll suffice.
So I'd rather dress to kill for my own satisfaction, put on my sexy 5inch stilettos  and go out with my besties, drink cheap wine, indulge in  constructively  nonsense conversations, which apparently will make complete sense after a few glasses, do the drunken I-don’t-give-a-damn-whoe-stares-at-me-dance and head back home only to get up the next morning with a very nasty hangover and the inability to remember any damn thing that happened the night before. Still it doesn’t matter, its far more better than the consequences of the ones mentioned above.
 Please note: I am not against anyone who wants to celebrate valentines day with their loved ones, in fact I'm the biggest supporter of it. I have always been romantically romantic about romance. So romantic that I'll be celebrating it in my own 'single' way this year. And of course, all the ingredients for the perfect valentines day would be there- the wine, the music, the roses, the gifts, but this time, I'm doing it just for me, myself, and I.
                                Happy Valentine's day everyone!!!!

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